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First Training Session of the Season

We started again last night - Whoo-hoo!

An interesting session.  The Sports Centre replaced the Volleyball equipment over the summer - very nice of them.  The new posts are lovely.  Just one problem, the net is not really competition grade and the head cord is too short to reach between the posts!  Duh!  I had nagged the centre manager a few times over the summer about us coming along, getting it all set up, and maybe knocking a few balls over it.  This was partly so we would know what to do with the new kit and partly about making sure it all worked together.

Lindsay - the duty manager - was wonderful.  She did everything she could to help us out.  With the aid of some extension cord and a few bits of string we were able to get something workable for a training session.

Sixteen people showed up.  Three people new to the club - (It was great to meet you.  I hope you had a great time and you'll stay around).  WE had a few apologies as well so we know there are more in the wings.

There will be a lot of match time pressure this year, but It looks like being a great season.


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