Club Documents

Members present:

Men: Phil, Michael, Mohsen, James, Tim, Zafer, Dan.

Women: Zuzana, Donna, Elena, Julie.

Juniors: Charlotte, Maisie, Hayden, Kaspar.


Apologies were received from:

Irwin, Mark, Dave, Mirella, Oriele.



Minutes of the 2014 AGM were accepted.

Season 2014/15 reports were discussed and accepted:

·         All committee members were thanked for their work for the club, including Zuzana and Kathryn who are retiring from their posts.

·         We would like to attract more male players (since most of the A-team left last summer) and a few more women (to make both our teams more stable).  Juniors are healthy.  All teams are rebuilding their performance levels after the loss of experienced players in 2014.

·         Finances are healthy.  Total club expenses for the year will be around £3,300.  Income is around £1,300 short but should balance if members pay their outstanding fees.  We have £1,500 in the bank for contingencies.

Summer 2015 plans were shared:

·         We have entered the Whitefield (grass) tournament in July, and members are welcome to enter other sand and grass tournaments.  Weekly volleyball in the Park (on grass) on Tuesday evenings starting 12 July.  Watch the club website for info:

Season 2015-16 plans were discussed:

·         On current player numbers we’re likely to enter 3 league teams again: Men in the Wilts Volleyball League Div 1; Women SW League; Wilts Ladies & Junior League.  Remember women can play in the men’s team if they wish, as WVL allows mixed teams over a mens net height.

·         Over the year as a whole we try to provide a balance between open mixed sessions and dedicated team training.  Members recognise the need to have both, even if individual preferences vary.  Most women prefer to train and play at the correct net height for them (most but not all the time).  However members agreed we should more often schedule men and women training on the same night, 2 hours each with a 1-hour shared slot in the middle.

·         Members would like more skills and serving drills (a little less team drills).

·         Members expressed enthusiasm for more social events.

·         Annual membership subscriptions will stay at £30 adult / £15 junior.

·         We will try to keep monthly training fees at the current rate of £17 adult / £8 junior, but the committee may review and change the fees if hall hire costs rise.


Election of committee officers

Chair – Phil was re-elected unopposed. 

Secretary – Mark was re-elected unopposed.

Treasurer – Zuzana stood down and Donna was elected unopposed.

Social organiser – Zuzana volunteered (after the meeting).

Club welfare officer – Kathryn stood down and Julie was elected unopposed.


·         Phil re-elected as Head Coach unopposed.

·         Irwin re-elected as Mens coach unopposed.

·         Phil happy to continue coaching women and juniors.

·         Other members are welcome to develop as coaches, and the club will contribute to individual coach training costs (including Irwin to attend a level 2 course).

Other roles

·         Web administrator – Richard continues to provide a service to the club.

·         The committee take turns to attend WVA meetings.

·         The committee will seek volunteers for team organiser.



Club awards 2014/15



Best or most improved player:

   Men – 5 players were nominated, Zafer received the most votes.

   SWL Women – 6 nominated, Zuzana and Alena shared the award.

   Women & Juniors – 2 nominated, Kasper awarded.

   Junior – 3 nominated, Hayden awarded.


Kevan Hobbis Award – 7 members were nominated, the award went to the Daniell family (all 5 of them!) in recognition of their substantial, varied and enthusiastic contributions to the club this season.

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