Club Documents
  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of previous meeting
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Chairman’s Report
  6. Secretary's Report
  7. Treasurer’s Report
  8. Head Coach’s Report
  9. Social Secretary’s Report
  10. Club development and review of the current club training format on Sunday evenings.
    1. Club Session Times?
    2. Fee structure for 2011/12?
    3. The ladies would like to continue playing in the South West region under the club name. Should we continue to support them? 
    4. WVA Leagues Entry for 2012.  Can we continue to support two teams in the mixed leagues?
  1. Election of Officers
    1. Chairman
    2. Vice Chairman
    3. Treasurer
    4. Secretary
    5. Social Secretary
    6. Head Coach
    7. A-Team Coach
    8. B-Team Coach
    9. A Team Co-ordinator
    10. B Team Co-ordinator (Richard is stepping down)
    11. Ladies Team Co-ordinator
    12. W. V. A. Representative
    13. Ladies Coach
  2. Presentation of Club Awards
    1. 1st Team Player of Season
    2. 2nd Team Player of Season
    3. Ladies Team Player of Season
    4. Kevan Hobbis Trophy     
  3. Summer Competitions. What Tournaments do we want to enter? Who will coordinate team entry for each tournament? – Someone with a special interest for a particular event?
  4. When is the first indoor training session?
  5. Advertising
  6. Internal /external communications
  7. Fund raising 
  8. Vets tournament?
  9. Any Other Business
Posted in: Club Documents

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