Club Documents

Club Constitution  NEW VERSION FOR AGM 2024

  1. Name        The club will be called Royal Wootton Bassett Volleyball Club.
  2. Aims and status
    1. The aims of the club are:
  1. To promote the sport of volleyball in our communities and provide opportunities for participation.
  2. To enable club members to play and develop safely and to achieve appropriate performance levels.
    1. The club is a not-for-profit organization.

All funds, including any surpluses, will be used for the aims and benefit of the club in line with its values.

  1. Values
    1. We are a voluntary organization run by and for our members and local community.
    2. We are welcoming and inclusive for all ages, abilities and backgrounds:

The club and its members respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone respectfully within the context of the sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality, or social/economic status.

  1. We recognize that everyone who participates in volleyball activities should do so in an environment where they feel safe and protected from harm.
  2. We respect and rely on unpaid volunteers for our activities.
  3. We consider how to achieve positive social and environmental outcomes from our club activities.
  4. We maintain fit-for-purpose standards of governance, administration, policies and safety.
  1. Affiliations and registrations      
    1. The club will be affiliated to Volleyball England, the national governing body for volleyball.
    2. The club will participate in, and contribute responsibly to, activities organized by Volleyball England and its constituent associations South West Volleyball Association and Wiltshire Volleyball Association.
    3. Any competition licenses issued by Volleyball England to the club or its teams will belong to the club.
    4. The club will ensure that its players are correctly registered in all competitions.
  2. Membership and fees
    1. Membership of the Club will be open and not unreasonably restricted on the ground of sex, age, disability, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and religion or other beliefs.
    2. By becoming a member, a person agrees to abide by the constitution and policies of the club and rulings of the Club Executive Committee.
    3. Membership and other fees will be set by the Executive Committee and agreed at the AGM.
    4. Members may be active players or non-players who contribute to the club in other ways.
    5. Non-members will not play or represent the club unless: they are given day-member or guest status by an Executive Committee Officer or Lead Coach; their attendance is recorded; and the activity is responsibly and safely conducted and supervised.
    6. Membership of the club is defined by:
  1. Having submitted a completed membership form to the Club Secretary.
  2. And having paid the annual membership subscription, where required.
  3. And being up-to-date with monthly playing fees, where required.
  1. General Meetings
    1. General meetings of the club will be held in person or by video-conference.
    2. Members of the club will receive a minimum of 28 days notice of the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
    3. The AGM will be held after the end of each competitive season, prior to the next competitive season.
    4. Club Executive Committee Officers will be elected from and by members at the AGM for a period of 12 months, and will be eligible for re-election annually.
    5. Additions, deletions, and alterations to the Club Constitution will be made only at a General Meeting.  Proposed changes will be submitted to the Secretary 14 days prior to a General Meeting.
    6. An Emergency General Meeting (EGM) may be called by the Committee when an urgent and important decision needs to be made.  Decisions at an EGM require a minimum quorum of five non-related, non-cohabiting members.  The Chairperson will hold the casting vote.
    7. A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called by written request from 10 members to the Secretary.  The SGM will be held within 30 days of receiving a request, and will only deal with the matter notified in the request.
  2. Executive Committee
    1. The Executive Committee will comprise a minimum of five elected officer roles: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Welfare Officer and Club Coach to administer the club activities and interests.
    2. The Committee may co-opt officers to fill vacancies or to carry out additional roles.
    3. The Committee may appoint Sub-Committees and Working Groups, and decide their Terms of Reference, Membership and Authority.
    4. The Committee may appoint or withdraw honorary roles for example (not an exhaustive list): Honorary Life Member; Honorary President.  Such roles will not be designated as committee members.
    5. The committee may appoint people to other roles necessary for the effective operation of club activities; for example (not an exhaustive list): team coaches; team organisers/fixture secretaries; press and marketing; club representatives for external committees and activities; social organisers.
    6. Committee meetings will be held, and decisions made, in person or by video-conference.  The Committee may correspond electronically to share information and discuss issues that don’t require a decision.
    7. Committee business decisions require a minimum quorum of three non-related, non-cohabiting elected members.  The Chairperson will hold the casting vote.
  3. Policies and procedures
    1. Unless the Executive Committee has good reason to decide otherwise, the club adopts the policies, procedures, codes of conduct and rules of Volleyball England and its constituent associations (SWVA and WVA) relating to, for example (not an exhaustive list): Safeguarding Children and Adults; Welfare; Equality and Diversity; Transgender; Anti-doping; Behaviour and Conduct; Discipline; Competitions.
    2. Unless the Committee has good reason to decide otherwise, the Club will follow relevant guidance issued by Government bodies including Sport England and public health agencies.
    3. The Committee will set other policies, procedures and codes of conduct as necessary.
    4. The club will comply with relevant legal obligations including the protection of personal data.



  1. Finances, insurance and assets
    1. All club monies will be managed through bank account(s) held in the name of the club.  The Club Treasurer and at least one other elected committee officer will have access to club bank account(s) and take reasonable measures to ensure the security of club funds including prevention of theft and fraud.
    2. The Treasurer will keep up-to-date records of the club finances (usually monthly) and keep the committee informed of the financial position throughout the financial year.
    3. The financial year of the club will end on 31st March.  At the end of each financial year the Treasurer will produce a financial report including income, expenditure and balance.  This report will be reviewed and verified by an independent person not elected to the club committee, and presented to the Annual General Meeting.
    4. Any funds raised in the name of Royal Wootton Bassett Volleyball Club will be used for the aims and benefit of the club.  Any funds given to the club for a specific purpose will be spent on the specified purpose unless otherwise agreed with the donor.
    5. Any assets and equipment owned by the club will be used for the aims and benefit of the club and will be kept in safe condition.
    6. Insurance covering club activities and public liability is provided by Volleyball England as a benefit of affiliation.  In the event that adequate insurance is not provided by Volleyball England, the club will arrange insurance to cover any member or guest whilst engaged in club activities, including: injury; loss; damage to property; and public liability.
  2. Discipline, complaints and appeals
    1. Players, captains, coaches, parents and spectators are responsible for their individual and team conduct in line with governing body and competition rules and codes of conduct adopted by the club.
    2. Club members are expected to exercise responsible use of electronic media and other communications to promote and safeguard the reputation of the club.
    3. In the first instance team captains, coaches, match officials and club officers should resolve issues and concerns in a fair and reasonable way.
    4. Where appropriate the club will invoke any disciplinary procedures required by competition rules and codes of conduct.
    5. Formal complaints should be submitted to the Club Secretary in writing.  The Executive Committee will consider complaints within 21 days a complaint being received.
    6. The Committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action in response to disciplinary procedures and complaints, including the termination of membership.
    7. The outcome of a disciplinary hearing or complaint should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing.
    8. Members have the right of appeal following the outcome and any disciplinary action being announced. The appeal panel should include Executive Committee officers and an independent person who has no involvement or conflict of interest in the issue under appeal.
  3. Closure of the club
    1. In the event of the club no longer operating, a period of six months will be allowed to lapse before any club assets or equipment can be disposed of.
    2. Any assets or equipment on loan from other organisations will be returned to them.
    3. Any remaining club assets, equipment or funds will be donated to Wiltshire Volleyball Association to be used and distributed through the volleyball community and clubs with similar objectives.



Document version control




and Date



Committee approval

AGM approval


17 Feb 2024


Phil Heads


Substantial revisions:

To bring it up-to-date

To learn from recent experience

To align with latest VE expectations (template)

Circulated for comment



28 Mar 2024

Phil Heads


Based on committee comment:

Financial section clarified

Other minor revisions, corrections

Propose to members at AGM



29 Apr 2024

Phil Heads




Agreed and adopted by members at AGM

















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