RichardHowells posted on May 05, 2014 16:55

Fee type
Amount and frequency
Membership subscriptions
£30 annual fee
£15 annual fee – Juniors
Affiliations, registrations, WVA, competition fees, insurance, admin, equipment, etc.
Playing fees
£17 monthly (direct debit/cheque)
£8 monthly (Juniors)
Hall hire for training and matches, referees expenses
‘very little beginners + first time volleyballers’
£3 a session (no registration fees)
As above
Number of players
WB (Ateam, Bteam)
Wiltshire league
SW Women
Total paying players
Some players
cross over between teams, e.g. SW ladies were joined by couple of
Juniors this season and also some cross over to Wiltshire league.
Summary of accounts as off 11th April 2014
Balance of account at end of May 2013
Total Income (Sep13 – April 14)
Balance of account as off 11th April 2014
Total Club Expense (Sep13 – Apr 14)
Club expenses
WB hall hire
£2,014.80 (plus waiting for Apr and Mar invoice; approx £330?)
Trophies 2012/2013 and 2014/2015
Wilshire league
SW ladies tops x 15
SW Women extra training
Miscella (new score pad, first aid supplies)
SW Women Home Matches
WVA League registration
Coach Registration
Total Expenses
Current hall hire charge £21.90 per hour.
I am waiting for invoice for hall hire for April and May (factored in expenses but not sure about exact figure).
With the amount of players we had
this season, our income is greater than our expenses which would allow
us to pay for extra hour of training if anyone would be interested.
However, that would not leave us with much in the ‘emergency’ pot
therefore; monthly fees would need to increase to accommodate extra
training time.
Some members have not paid their full fees for the season and they have been notified.
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