Club Documents

Notes of Annual General Meeting 14/4/2018


Male players: Phil, Dave, James, Hayden(jnr), Seb, Sergejs, Robert, Pablo

Female players: Donna, Angel, Helen, Kat, Anna, Alex [joined afterwards: Maisie, Charlotte]

Others: Julie(cwo), Joanna (Alex's mum), Arnita & Alexandra (Sergejs’s wife and daughter), Robert's wife, Anna (Pablo’s wife), Oliver (Charlotte's boyfriend)

Apologies were received from:

 Andrew, Dan, Ed, Debbie, Zuzana, Laura

Season 2017/18 reports:

Minutes of the 2017 AGM were referenced and accepted.

Season 2017/18 reports were referenced and accepted (chair, head coach, treasurer)

  • All committee members were thanked by Dave the chairman . Phil thanked everyone who stepped up assisting whilst he had to take a step back for personal reasons last season.
  • Julie our CWO was thanked for providing support and expertise in the child welfare and administration for the junior section of the club. Charlotte was thanked for refereeing/scoring multiple  men's matches.
  • Whilst all teams had a good season, Phil wanted to mention specifically how enjoyable it has been to coach the juniors who won both the girls and boys U13 Junior Grand prix division. Anna and Alex have transitioned very well to the Wiltshire ladies& juniors league where they have participated in a number of tournaments. Julie mentioned that other than Angel there were now few ladies attending (other than Charlotte);
  • We discussed the questionnaire and thanked Phil for issuing it as it helped to paint a clearer picture of what everyone wanted from the club.
  • Total club expenses for 2017/18 season was £3404.49 and the club income was £3686.62.  The club carries over financial cushion of £1,338.75. Membership subscription and training / match fees will be decided when we have been notified of hall hire costs for next season and new training arrangements confirmed. Adult fees are likely to go up by £3-4 per month and junior fees by £1 (subject to treasurer confirmation). Please pay subscriptions and monthly fees promptly to help with club finances. Phil clarified that students 18 years and over in full time education are still eligible to pay the junior rate. We clarified that a per session rate for adults continues to be available at treasurer's discretion.

Summer 2018 plans:

  • Our South West Ladies Team are playing their last match against Cardiff on 29 April which unfortunately clashes with the Exeter Challenge. They will participate at the South West Championships in Plymouth on the weekend of 12th & 13th May 2018.
  • Wiltshire Men’s end of season tournament tbc (this was not discussed)
  •  We discussed volleyball in the park at Lydiard and Phil confirmed in Andrew's absence that Andrew was happy to continue to organise. The day will remain Monday (6.45 for 7 o'clock start) with Andrew confirming weather conditions each week and look after the club net. Outdoors starts on Monday 14th May. Opening times vary with shorter park opening times in May and longer park opening times in June/July.

We have entered one men's and one mixed teams in Whitefield Volleyball Tournament at Bristol (grass) on 21st & 22rd July 2018 (11 male and 4 female players).


Season 2018/19 plans:

  • League Entries: On current player numbers we are likely to enter the 4 league teams (subject to James confirming numbers by end of July). Two teams in the Wiltshire Volleyball league (potentially mixed if any women interested), Women SW league, Wiltshire Ladies & Junior league held at Lavington. Members asked whether there would be enough players for a second team to play in the Wiltshire Volleyball league (for example if some of the women players would like to play).
  • Training schedules and fees: We discussed training schedule and agreed that if it is possible to hire rest of the hall juniors would be able to train over the Badminton net from 7-8 every week with adult session in parallel. We agreed that ladies and men's session would be separate 1.5 hour sessions but if either team wanted the other team to arrive early/stay for match practice would need to be agreed ad hoc. (addition post AGM: Phil has spoken to Dennis Spencer from Lime Kiln who has confirmed that the hall is available for hire and also that from a health and safety perspective leisure centre is happy for the net to be used with weights to weigh down badminton nets.) Action: Zuzi to formalise hall booking and for Donna to work out revised fees.
  • Hoodies: James showed volleyball hoodies in black with club name and inner hood in a royal blue. The costs involved are £20 plus £5 for name/writing on reverse of hoodie. He has 2 different sizes - please contact James if you are interested in ordering them or trying out for size.
  • Coaching: Phil will remain has head coach and continue coaching the juniors and if possible attend some of the WJL league fixtures. Hayden expressed an interest in organising the WJL (with some support from Julie). James will continue with organising Wiltshire league team (or teams with there are two) with help from Pablo on the coaching side. Ladies will continue with having some coaching from Cliff and organising some of their own sessions. Phil mentioned that 5 members expressed an interest in attending coaching sessions (which would be during the week-end and at a cost - the club might be able to contribute some - Phil to discuss with people who volunteered).
  • It was agreed that Richard is to continue maintaining the club website at a fee of up to £50 (currently under review) as most of our enquiries are made through the website.
  • Robert agreed to update facebook page to a more 'searchable' site which will then be used by all club members. Reminder by Julie about GDPR and not to post any photos of minor's without parents consent. Membership forms to be updated with requisite consent for next season. Facebook site should contain link to website and vice versa.
  • Members expressed that they would like more social events during the year. Lydiard BBQ mentioned - so far nobody volunteered to organise/put date in diary.

 Election of committee officers:

Chair – Dave was re-elected unopposed.

Treasurer – Donna was re-elected unopposed.

Secretary – Position still vacant as no volunteers. Kat agreed to take the minutes of this meeting.  Phil mentioned he can discuss duties involved for secretary on request .

 Welfare – Julie was re-elected unopposed.

Head Coach – Phil was re-elected unopposed. Training plans to be organised and coaches to assist.

Team co-ordinators:

Men – James was re-elected unopposed.

SWL – Zuzana, Helen (to be confirmed)

WJL – Hayden

Other roles (not on the committee):

Web Admin – Richard continues (fee)

Committee takes turns attending WVA meetings.

Social – vacant

Club awards 2018/17:

Best or improved player:

Men –Hayden

SWL Women –, Angel

WJL (adult) – , Charlotte

WJL (junior) – Anna and Alex

Kevin Hobbis Award – James in recognition of his contribution as captain and also coach of the men's team and support for the club.

Club AGM closed at 20:25

Posted in: Club Documents

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